Collect different crypto currencies for free and get your first experience into the crypto world.

What is a Crypto Faucet?
“Faucet” bedeutet auf deutsch “Wasserhahn”, smallest parts of cryptocurrencies, weil bei einem Faucet kleinste Teile von Crypto Währungen “tröpfchenweise” .. Ganz grob erklärt werden dir minimale Beträge “geschenkt” to you mostly realized by watching more or less annoying advertisements and fulfilling captchas.
- What is a Crypto Faucet?
- Personal rating
- Pros and Cons for Crypto Faucets
- Why are crypto coins given away at a faucet?
- Payouts of earned coins
- Earning opportunities with Faucet providers
- Can I really make money at Crypto Faucets?
- Learning effect with Crypto Faucets
- Negative Aspekte bei Crypto Faucets
- My experience with Crypto Faucet sites
- already tested Crypto Faucets
- paying Crypto Faucets without a current test
Personal rating
Pros and Cons for Crypto Faucets
Pro: free crypto currencies
low effort
a lot of different coins
in most cases direct payout (often micro wallets)
increase in value possible
many offers on the net
good opportunity to gain initial experience
often no registration necessary
Cons: often very annoying advertising
often minimal amounts
very often Catpcha input for some offers
a lot of spam offers
Why are crypto coins given away at a faucet?
This is a question that users often ask themselves, because no one has anything to give away and outside the crypto world such offers are very rare. A free bonus of coins can have various reasons:
- In most of the cases: crypto faucets are used to reward the user for viewing advertisements, click on links or similar tasks. The amount is often very small. Please note the possibility of a massive increase in value, gerade bei “jungen” cryptocurrencies. In the beginning there were tons of Bitcoin faucets where you could get some Satoshi.
- Classically, to bring an existing cryptocurrency deeper into the market, practically as an advertisement for the coin or token itself. During cryptocurrency launche, this usually happens through an airdrop (will also be explained in more detail). Within existing cryptocurrencies it will happen with a bounties or with faucet. Sometimes from the coin/token providers themselves.
- Manche Coins werden praktisch als “Giveaway” or fun currency, for example DogeCoin was such a currency, it was launched for fun and you've got the coins. everywhere for free in the world wide web.
Payouts of earned coins
The payout of the coins varies depending on the offer, there are following possibilities:
- Payout to micro-wallets such as * . Various crypto currencies are collected there, mostly without fees and often with connected faucets (which practically only pay out there). Even in a swap, an exchange between the coins is possible with very small or sometimes without fees.
In addition, it should be mentioned, that many providers do not even require registration for micro-wallets, simply the wallet address of the coin or. the rewarded token. - Payout to a regular wallet address. Some faucets offer you a transfer of earned coins directly to your regulary wallet, this is often done directly and in some cases without any fees. As an positive examples for ZEC (Zcash) or ..
- eine andere Möglichkeit ist das Sammeln von einer “eigenen” Currency from the provider or in USD (US Dollar). This can be exchanged for a common crypto currency, often used by providers with a large number of cryptocurrencies. A very good example is ..
Earning opportunities with Faucet providers
In addition to the classic offer from a special coin to multi-faucets with various crypto currencies, a wide range is offered on the Internet. Withdrawl and deposit is also possible within this tab “Claim”, also das “Abholen” the coins, it takes place at certain times between 5 Minutes up to 36 hours, depending on the provider. During this time you can get the crypto currency with "one" click.
Viele Betreiber koppeln das Angebot mit PTC (Pay-To-Click) offers, that means you visit at a website, watch a video or an other advertisment to receive your coin reward. Offerwalls or small tasks are also often available.
Many providers additionally provide games, to keep users happy. Whether by high score, gambling or lottary, there are no limits to the concept.
Can I really make money at Crypto Faucets?
This question is not that easy to answer. Einige Anbieter sind wie “Online-Spiele” set up, with a level system, high score competitions and much more, that means they are also fun in a certain sense and ensure a pleasant pastime, where you can put some crypto currencies into your wallet.
Apart from the fun factor, the amounts are often extremely small. You should always remember, that these earned currencies are also exposed to value fluctuations, if you earn the coins with in a cheap market phase, they can increase in value up to high prices. In some cases, the value can increase by a factor of two, , three-, four- or a hundred. However, this is all speculation and can sometimes take years..
Faucets are definitely not to get rich very fast.
Learning effect with Crypto Faucets
The learning effect is in basically the most important thing with the faucets, here you learn the first steps in the crypto world!
How do I transfer the coins to my wallet?
Can I spend the coins anywhere?
What is behind the project with the coins or tokens you have just earned?
You can answer these and many more questions after a few days or weeks. The first transactions and the first knowledge with new coins haven taken place. This is definitely an important step. Of course, you can also directly enter with crypto leverage trading and transfer the first 10.000 Transfer coins incorrectly and they are gone. For small amounts, this mistake doesn't really hurt.
In addition, with the faucets you will learn how to deal with the captcha queries that occur everywhere in the crypto world, scam offers, aggressive advertising and so on. Offers like: pay 100 coins and receive within two days 150 coins reward, is often seen in advertisements on faucet sites (this is unrealistic and in most cases a fraud). Through the displayed ads you get a feeling which offers are realistic and which are not. It's important to always be very skeptical of any advertising on Faucet sites! Nobody has anything to give away.
Negative Aspekte bei Crypto Faucets
Many faucets are overloaded with very annoying pop ups or pop unders, the advertising should definitely be structured in a usable framework. Otherwise, the use quickly becomes a pain.
The amounts are often very small, however, there are providers who minimize these small amounts even further.
Protection against robots is very important for Faucet providers, nevertheless, filling in the captcha queries in this area should be reduced to a minimum.
A lot of advertising is for untrustworthy offers, so ALWAYS be careful here.
My experience with Crypto Faucet sites
For me personally, faucets were my first experience in the world of crypto, at that time still with Bitcoin, after a few years these earned cents were worth several hundred euros. With all the DogeCoin Faucets over the years, I had collected a few coins here and there for the equivalent of approx. 0,002$ until February 2021 the DogeCoin suddenly explode to. 0,05$ ,, thus an increase of 2.400%.
I also had my first experiences with wallets and the transfer of crypto currencies with faucets. You can't go really wrong with faucets and learn to deal with the new world of crypto.
Personally, I prefer a faucet for a low-value crypto currency, so I will collect as an example 0,22 TRX (Tron) more likely than 0,0000066 ETH (Ethereum) (At the time of writing this article, both amounts were worth about. 0,01€ wert).
already tested Crypto Faucets
Name | Coins | Claim | advertising | payment | Review | Rating |
GlobalHive * | ZEC | 24 h | little | read | 8 / 10 | |
Pipeflare* | ZEC / Doge / FLR | 24 h | little | read | 9 / 10 | |
FaucetCrypto* | 20 Coins | 30 min | it's OK | Wallet | read | 9 / 10 |
paying Crypto Faucets without a current test
these faucets definitely pay out and are currently in the test phase with me. A detailed review will follow as soon as possible.
ATTENTION: Faucetpay was hacked and therefore the offers are offline for a short time